天橋立ビューランド事務所 /Office of Amanohashidate view land

Photo©Yohei Sasakura

Photo©Yohei Sasakura

Photo©Koichi Hankai

天橋立ビューランド事務所 / Office of Amanohashidate view land


A company’s facilities located in beautiful Amanohashidate. 1F consists of restrooms for the view land users, and 2F is the company’s management’s office. The volume and the rooftop tiles arrangement of the building were articulated to fit the small size of the surrounding houses of this residential area. For the landscaping, granite from rocks at the foot of the mountain of the site itself were used, and japanese “ryunohige” plants were used to give a sense of natural wildness to the garden.  

所在地  :京都府宮津市

用途   :事務所・トイレ

規模   :木造2階建

延床面積 :191.83㎡

施工   :大村工務店

造園   :造景房吉(岩村陽一郎)



竣工   :2017.4
